Monday 23 December 2013

ENRTY REVEAL....Painted white walls with chalk paint

House Update...........ENRTY REVEAL:

This is my entry, sorry I don't have a "before".
I'm really bad at remembering to take a before, I don't know how many times I've started a project,then realised....No before photo!

The wall was originally off White, which is the colour that was painted thought out when we built, which looked Ok. However it was always a little to much of a creamy white & I longed for a pure white Entry. 
Then when I was pregnant with my 3rd child, my girlfriends husband kindly stencilled it for me in pure white & even thought I absolutely adored it, the pure white made the wall look really cream & I am really not a fan of cream. So I new I'd have to redo it at some stage.
However with a new little baby in the house, painting really wasn't one of my priorities. Now that she's a Little more mobile, I thought I'd tackle it.

Originally I had a small sofa there and the draws were in the other part of the entry.
I've painted the walls in Chalk paint "pure white" & then re accessorised, Im not sure as yet as to whether or not I'll stencil the wall again??  (that the scones are on) or not?.
I could wall paper however Im going for a really monochromatic look for the wall so I was thinking of stencilling it to be really subtle a "barely there" kind of look. Anyway.......well see!

I think it still needs something on the wall: 
a stencil ?, some prints ?

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